Wednesday, 22 February 2012

A New YouTube Channel About Disability

As I sit and wait for the WWE phenom known as Ultimate Warrior to declare Nicholas the winner of his contest (see last post), I find that I must share this new site.

Inclusion International has created a channel on Youtube for anyone wishing to upload a video about people with disabilities from around the world. Have a go, everyone!


BLOOM - Parenting Kids With Disabilities said...

I just voted for Nick and he has an impressive lead!

The Caregivers' Living Room said...

Thanks Louise! Yes, he does, but we haven't heard yet from Team Warrior. The contest was supposed to end yesterday with the winner declared today. I hope he gets around to making the announcement soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,

This is great news! When I voted and last checked the Worriors site, Nick was lagging by 10 pionts or so.

So, "Who's accompanying Nick to Chicago?"
