Donna Thomson is a caregiver, author and award-winning educator. She is the mother of two grown children, one who has severe cerebral palsy and medical complexity. Donna also helped care for her mother who lived with dementia until she passed away in the summer of 2018 at the age of 96. Donna is the co-author (with Dr.
Zachary White) of The Unexpected Journey of Caring: The Transformation of Loved
One to Caregiver (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019) and author of The Four Walls
of My Freedom: Lessons I’ve Learned From a Life of Caregiving (McArthur and
Co., 2010 and The House of Anansi Press, 2014). She blogs regularly at The
Caregivers’ Living Room. Donna is a co-designer and Co-Director of CanChild Family Engagement in Research Program as well and she facilitates the Caregiving Essentials Course, all at McMaster University. Donna is the past vice-chair of Kids Brain Health Network and currently sits on the advisory board of the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence where she won the inaugural Vickie Cammack Trailblazer Award.
When she's not writing and reading about caregiving, Donna loves to cook for friends and family, dance and whenever possible, meditate in the wilderness, either in Quebec or in Cat Island, Bahamas.