I am not, nor have a I ever been a CEO. I am a mother who has sewn a few costumes and played a lot in parks with my children. But I have longed for a responsible, adult role as one longs to visit a beautiful foreign country. Now that my son and my daughter have moved away from home though, I identify with these women leaders. I worry about my loved ones who cannot always take care of themselves without my help, my cooking, or my sense of knowing them so well that often, spoken words are unnecessary.
My friend told me that when she experienced the devastation of a natural disaster, at first she worried that she should be doing a myriad of vital tasks all at the same time - until she realized that perhaps she was learning an important lesson for living through her dire circumstances. In an instant, everything can change. Very little of value that we rely upon as safe and predictable is actually any of those things. Perhaps living in the present moment is more than a new age phrase - it is an aspiration that has the potential of giving meaning to our lives.
So, for this evening, I am going to enjoy a hot bath, say a prayer of thanks for an impossibly beautiful weekend with my family at our cottage up north and another one that Nicholas is happy and healthy in his new home.
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