Wednesday 22 December 2021



This is a reprise of a Christmas post from 2017. Hasn't the world changed since then?! Then again, time moves more slowly in caregiving. Merry Christmas, everyone! And may we all stay safe and healthy in 2022. 

My words to the carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" are fun, but they reveal a truth about caregiving, too. We all begin with a task or two. "Oh, it's not much", we think. "That's no trouble at all." And it isn't. But then two tasks becomes four and four becomes eight, and so on. Soon, we discover that we are very, very tired. But nevertheless, we persevere. So here's to all of you in celebration of the loving care you provide every day of the year.

On the First Day of Christmas on my list of things to do: I cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Second Day of Christmas on my list of things to do: I shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Third Day of Christmas on my list of things to do: I called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, we went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I did six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I bought seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I calmed jangled nerves, ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas on my list of things to do, I wrapped all the presents, calmed jangled nerves, ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, I poured myself a drink, calmed jangled nerves, ordered the meds, disinfected bathrooms, seven gifts for nurses, six loads of laundry, went to E-merg! ... picked up meds, called the doc, shopped for my Mom and cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly.


From me and my family to you and all of your loved ones, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah this holiday season. May 2022 be a good year for all of us! xox

Marjorie "Tootie" Thomson-Higginson 
Dec. 24, 1921-August 16, 2018

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