Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

To everyone who celebrates with family this week, Happy Thanksgiving!

A Caregiver's Thanksgiving Blessing
Thank you for the good days and for the strength to get through the bad ones.
Thank you for the friends and family who have ever given us a gift of food, a ride, their companionship or their time.
Thank you for the doctors and nurses who have been kind.
Thank you for the love in my heart and may it always be stronger than the fatigue and frustration.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, you say?

I enjoyed a wonderful one about six weeks ago, thanks very much. Please keep up.

We are talking about Canada, aren't we?


The Caregivers' Living Room said...

LOL! Because I am trying to help build a North American caregiver movement (call me a dreamer), I always try to post 2x both for Canada and the US. That's why the header reads "To everyone who celebrates with family this week"