Monday 12 February 2018


I always keep my eyes and ears open for news about devices that ease our burden of care while ensuring our loved ones are safe from harm. Today it's my pleasure to host this guest post by Sarah Jackson on just that topic!

As more people live longer and remain active into later life, they also face a variety of safety issues. The changing dynamic between older adults and consumer markets has produced a new and growing industry that focuses on senior safety tools, products and services.

At home or in care facilities, families, and senior caregivers have access to improved resources designed to ensure the safety of older adults — protecting them from falls, accidents, and other emergencies.  Better safety leads to enhanced quality of life and more enjoyment for seniors, regardless of where they live.

Five Tools Every Caregiver Should Be Using

The senior safety industry includes a wide-range of services from home care to personal monitoring. Among the many new products, the top five that anyone in the senior safety industry should be using include:

1. Wearable Technology – from bracelets to socks and shoes, wearable technology that tracks movement, detects a fall, and monitors other functions should be the number one resource to implement in a care plan.

2. Medical Alert Monitoring – with GPS options, instantaneous two-way communication, and live video, medical alert monitoring advancements are both practical and comforting.

3. Senior-Friendly Kitchens – automatic shut-offs, “talk-back” technology, induction cook tops, and other new kitchen products make the most dangerous room in the house safe and functional.

4. Slip Resistant Devices – from bathmats to carpets, slip-resistant aids help prevent the number one safety risk for seniors — falls.

5. Interactive Devices – whether its medication management, health monitoring, or companionship needs in the middle of the night, easy-to-use tablets and monitors designed for senior homes are a valuable tool for immediate remote communication.

Understand the Market

Technology advances rapidly. What was innovative yesterday is obsolete today. The same is true for the senior safety industry.

Monitoring the market and being familiar with products, services, and manufacturers is the best way to choose and maintain the tools that fit every individual circumstance. The tools and devices that provide comfort and security in one home, may not be necessary in another.

Among the many services available in the developing elderly safety industry are personal consultants. Professionals can evaluate, identify, and advise older adults, family members, and caregivers on what tools would make the most difference in each home situation.

Use the Tools Effectively

Taking advantage of the many new products and improvements in senior safety technology will ultimately lead to increased comfort, greater independence, and more time for both older adults and their caregivers. Being a caregiver is often challenging, but ensuring that seniors have a safe and manageable home environment is easier when the right tools are available.

Sarah Jackson is a senior care professional. Her knowledge and experience ensure that elders obtain quality care and transitional preparation for their future.

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